Thursday, December 01, 2005


Went to that Seminar today in Boston on the Bill of Rights. Can I just say how grateful I am for having my car?

Let me explain. There was this girl that I met today that had her car stolen in Cambridge! At first, she thought the car was towed by the city (she was illegally parked). After calling around, she finally realized that her car was stolen! Can you imagine? I feel so badly for her. She's only 24 years old and she's only been teaching for 1 year. She makes no money because she works at a private school and still lives at home. She called her insurance company and they told her that they can't do anything about it until 48 hours!

So, she has to wait two days until she can even get a rental car so she can at least drive around and get to work.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how awful! the poor girl