Monday, December 12, 2005

Rough Class A3

My A3 World History class is a unique class. What do I mean by unique? Well, more like a pain in the butt! A few of the students in the class are very difficult to deal with in the classroom. The word seems to have spread that I don't like this group of kids - which is not the truth. The few that are difficult make it tough for the other kids to learn when those with behavioral issues are acting out. Don't get me wrong - most of the kids in this class are wonderful. It's just those few kids that like to act out and be difficult in the classroom. I've tried everything. Detentions. Calls home. Parent conferences. Sent them to the office. I'm know doing straight lecture classes because they can't handle doing any fun activity. Nothing is working. My next step is to put them on a behavioral contract. I feel like I'm back at Timberlane having to do the behavior contract thing. It's so ridiculous that I even have to contemplate this way of thinking.

My patience is running very thin at this point with the class. The time of the year doesn't help. With Christmas approaching, my students are very hyper and high strung as it is. And Saint M-Dawg is no longer patient and kind with this type of crappy behavior.

My goal on Wednesday is to go in with a positive attitude and try to play the game with the class. I will give the class one more chance and if they can't handle controlling their own behavior, out come those behavior contracts.

I do adore the kids individually - but as a class, they are just way to crazy!

As a side note, I'm being informally observed on Wednesday in A2 by Peter, my department chair. It should be an interesting class because I have a SPED teacher in the room that is supposed to be team teaching with me and she doesn't contribute to anything in the classroom. Peter is observing me but I'm sure it will come out of the observation on how my teaching partner does nothing. It is a little frustrating but I've spoken to her about the expectations and she clearly doesn't want to do her part of the job. It's really sad. I got so spoiled by working with Carla and Donna in World Studies at Timberlane. They were the "bestest" teaching partners ever!!! :-) I miss the true concept of interdisciplinary team teaching - especially with the English teachers.


Alyssa said...

It is just like Timberlane. I know there were a few kids in our school that you absolutely hated, but most of us you just loved to death (especially your 2003 babies!). Hang in there. You are a great teacher (knowing this from experience) and don't let a few slackers discourage you. Im sure there are many kids in the class that love you and your class.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Loo! It must be so difficult and im sure you have been very patient thru this whole thing.

Just remember to keep happy thoughts - when they act up try to have a litte MDawg time & zone out for a minute with a day dream..such as, throwing a pie in their face, slapping them sily, or being someone else all together!

You are an awesome teacher & im sure something will come to you & what to do with the lil brats! : )

Anonymous said...

ah oops that was suppose to be "somewhere else" not someone else - although whatever works! LOL

Robyn J said...

Ah, Timberlane...the fond memories!! You are awesome and don't you forget it. Sometimes there are those students who work (or don't work) out their issues in their own time. You are doing all that you can so don't beat yourself up over it.