Sunday, December 11, 2005

Ellie and I

Believe it or not, this is the first picture I have of Ellie and I. Thanks Lauren for taking this pic and emailing it to me. :-)

I've always wanted a picture of Ellie and I but just never seemed to get around to having someone take our picture.

Isn't my baby girl a cutie pie? Ellie hates her picture taken - after this photo was taken, she ran away! She also doesn't like to be held either. She's more of a lap cat. Ellie adores to sit or lay on my lap or chest and cuddle. She HATES being held or picked up.

Enjoy the pic folks - :-)


Anonymous said...

Ellie is such a cutie pie!

Anonymous said...

look at momma & her kitty - both look adorable!

Robyn J said...

Too cute!!