Monday, December 12, 2005

What have you been up to lately?

It's that time of the year. The crazy time of the year. You know exactly what I'm talking about. The time of the year where you are running around with your head cut off buying expensive gifts for everyone under the sun, working tons of hours to be able to pay for those expensive gifts, going to those sometimes uncomfortable Christmas parties and just wish you would've stayed home, and my personal favorite: visiting relatives that you only see once a year and there is a REASON why you only see them once a year! :-)

I have to be honest: I really don't like Christmas. I haven't enjoyed Christmas since I was a little girl. Why? Lots of reasons. My grandmother died around this time of the year in 1988. I think the holidays are full of phoniness. This is supposed to be the nicest time of the year, right? People should be kind and considerate of others. Have you shopped at a mall lately? People pushing and yelling at other people. It's such a joke. I have to travel every year on the holidays and it totally sucks to be flying during this time of the year. Again, dealing with people being rude at an airport is not my idea of fun.

OK, enough of the Scrooge complaining. :-)

What is going on in M-Dawg's world?

*Trying to get all my curriculum that needs to be taught before midterm exams (January 17th-20th). Can M-Dawg do it?

*Working at Pawsitively Best Friends in Newburyport part-time for extra money. I usually work around 10-12 hours a week. I adore it - folks bring in their dogs! It's great that I get to be around the animals. Oh, in case you wondering, PBF is a doggie/kitty boutique. :-)

*Working on a few "projects." I can't go into too much detail due to the fact that some of the recipients of these projects read this blog. :-)

*Holiday parties. I don't really like them but I go to be social. Aren't I the party animal?

*Bonus: Getting ready to go to IL on December 23rd. I look forward to going to IL to see my folks and sister. And, having 11 days off of school. :-)

Email and let me know what is going on in your world - make me feel good! :-)


Anonymous said...

Lori my dear - you are too funny! But you are right about the rude people. We had a grouchy woman behind us at Noah's on Sunday. Ok granted, 2 of the slowest people in the world were working - but what can you do..they are young kids working there & this woman was about to give this kid an attitude. She changed her tune & thank God, because I was going to tell her to lighten up!

As for your Grandmother, its very difficult to lose someone you love, never mind near the holidays... but im sure your Grandmother would want you to enjoy this time of year & enjoy the memories you have of her.

Hope you have a great time away visiting the family!

Anonymous said...

I was just telling my husband how much I'm beginning to really hate December...more every year for those same reasons. I don't have to fly anywhere but everyone wants us to bring the kids all over the county and all I wanna do is stay home to relax and play with my kids. I'm working on it too. This year my husband don't want me to spend all day cooking a huge meal so when my family comes over they're getting deli meat & cheese trays, cookies & pie. We say tough! I really don't think that's being scrooge...I think that's trying to bring back the true purpose of the holiday.

PS: Can't wait till ya get in IL to visit!!! :)