Friday, November 25, 2005

Took Ellie to the Vet Today

Ellie was NOT a happy camper today - I had to take her to the Vet for her annual check-up and shots. The Vet is located in Atkinson, NH.

Once Ellie is at the Vet, she is fine. She checks everything out in the office. The Vet Tech adores her - she thinks Ellie is cute (Of course my baby girl is cute!). There was actually another cat in the office walking around. Well, this cat decided to introduce itself to Ellie by hissing at her! Poor Ellie! Ellie is still in her carrier and looks terrified at this other cat.

Overall health report for Ellie: Ellie weighs 7 lbs 4 oz. - she hasn't gained any weight since her last visit. Ellie's heart, stomach, ears, teeth, etc. looks great. The Vet said Ellie is in great shape!

The car ride is the worst part for Ellie. She just doesn't like riding in the car. Usually, she makes a mess in her carrier. This time, no mess! I was so proud of her for not messing in her carrier. As I drive, I talk to her and try to comfort her. The whole ride, Ellie is meowing in that painful meow that no one wants to hear! :-(

When we got home, I rewarded Ellie with a can of tuna! :-) Now, Ellie is a happy camper!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ooooh poor little ellie! glad her check up went well...of course it would - she has a wondeful momma taking care of her : )