Tuesday, February 14, 2006

It's My Birthday!

My birthday is today. Having your birthday on Valentine's Day is not fun - especially when you have no hot guy in the picture!

I turn 35.

It's just an age. Or is it?

Went to school today. Some of the kids remembered my b-day. Some of my colleagues remembered too. The chorus sang happy birthday to me.

I'm working at my part-time job tonight after school. No big plans.

Do I feel 35? Some days, yes. Some days, no.

Do you feel your age?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

how awesome is that?? the chorus singing happy birthday to you! wonderful!

lori, i just turned 36 & its very depressing.. but i feel 26 & i act like it (unfortunately, sometimes i act even younger!) its hard to not let the #s bother you, but the saying you are only as old as you feel is the truth. you still look great, you dont look 35, so the hell with it! if you feel 25 in your heart & mind - then dammit you are 25!

people look & feel their age when they forget how to have fun, when they forget how to sing as loud as they can to the car stereo, when they dont dance around the house anymore.. when they forgot how to laugh.. keep these things in your life & you will feel young, and people will think you're younger than what you are.

at one point i thought i was too old for lip gloss & thought it was for teenie boppers & then i said who cares!?!? i love it, think it looks nice all shimmering & shiny - so i wear it!

its doing little things for yourself that make you feel good & to hell with those who think you should look, act, dress "for your age"

a woman i use to work with one time said to me "you are in your 30s dont you think its time to cut your hair"
my reply " uh no i dont think. i'll be wearing my hair long for as long i feel like it...whether it be 40, 50 who cares"

Anonymous said...

by the way, dont understand why the e card wouldnt open up for you :(

a real card will be on its way to you.. just wanted you to have something on your actual bday. sorry it didnt work.