Friday, February 03, 2006

Don't ya just love Friday's???


*The Meds are working and for the first time in over three weeks, I'm almost human again!

*Sadie the Cat is still recovering from her surgery. Please continue to have happy thoughts for her and her family during this tough time.

*Getting my taxes done next Wednesday. Hoping for a HUGE refund this year!!!

*All is well at school. My students are learning about the Enlightenment. We move on to the French Revolution next week. It's one of my most favorite units to teach. :-)

*My grandma is having surgery on Monday. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Grandma Marenda is 91 years! :-)

*Fat Friday at school today. Fat Friday is the first Friday of every month. One department each month is in charge of providing a huge buffet of food for the day. Today, Foreign Language and Special Education were in charge. Yummy!!!!

*TGIF Baby!!!!!


Anonymous said...

What kind of surgery is Grandma M going to have. Happy thoughts for her and Sadie. Enjoy your weekend :)

Anonymous said...

What's going on with your grandma? I hope that it is nothing too serious! The boys and I will keep her and the rest of your family in our prayers for a speedy recovery!
PS I have always and will always LOVE Fridays if for nothing else but the sleeping in part of Saturday mornings!!! :)

Happy Weekend!!!

Anonymous said...

hope grandma m has a speedy recovery! plenty of prayers & wishes for her.

hope you enjoyed fat friday...that sounds like fun.