Sunday, August 06, 2006

I survived Yankee Homecoming!


I did it!

My body is killing me from standing on my feet all day, heavy lifting, and being out in the sun. It was a busy week.

Today is the official last day of Yankee Homecoming. No, I will not be anywhere near Newburyport today. The parade happens at 12:30 pm. Yesterday, when I was driving into Newburyport, people already had their chairs lined up along the parade route. What's so funny about this is that no one touches or moves the chairs. It's like this sacred tradition. People line up the chairs and attach rope or string from chair to chair to let folks know that that "spot" is taken. It's the funniest sight to see.

Life goes back to normal. At least summer normal anyway.

Today, the plan is to relax. I may run out to do a few errands. Overall, I'm keeping my day low key.

Hope everyone had a nice weekend -

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you survived..yay!