Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Need to lose weight!

Yes, I know. I need to lose some serious weight. I've let myself go to hell the past few years.

If I don't do anything about this weight thing, it will cause me health problems down the road. I wish that I could eat "normal". I just can't. I've always struggled with my weight. It's that emotional eating that is out of control for me.

Get this - my Dad offers me $1,000 to lose weight. Yes, I know it's quite the incentive. Yes, I know that I need to take the weight off for health reasons. But, I just can't seem to put my heart into it. I'd be losing the weight for the wrong reasons. I need to lose weight for me. Not my Dad or the money.

I've always felt like I wasn't ever good enough for anyone - my parents, my boyfriends, my friends, my career. I guess I take out my feelings by eating. The only problem is that I'm hurting myself big time here. And, it can't continue on the rate it is going.

I've tried everything to lose weight. I've spent thousands of dollars on weight programs (weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, etc.), diet pills, gym memberships, etc.

Why can't I just be normal??????????????


Anonymous said...

You are normal, thats the thing... almost all people have problems with weight... I once broke up with a cheating boyfriend and lost about 30 pounds... looked good, alittle too thin maybe... but put it all back on when I got into a better relationship... Its never fun... Maybe you could use your health and that "work" that we talked about you wanting done as your inspiration... Don't they always want you alittle healthier before they do surgery? That would be something to work for... no more back pain... Work out, get some work done, and be lots healthier.

Anonymous said...

What is normal anyway, Lori? Quit being so hard on yourself. I really do know what you mean. I felt the same way when I smoked, then 1 day I just didn't want to anymore and I've been smokefree for 3yrs. You'll do it! It'd probably (I NEVER spell that word right! :)) be easier if you could do it without thinking too much about it. I know what you're thinking though. I'm not happy with the huge weight gain I've had this year either but I am eating ice cream as I write this! If it would make it easier for you, we could do a partner thing. I don't know how that works but I'd do it to help you! But no matter what you do, keep your chin up and keep smiling cuz you are a beautiful woman in every way & you're prince will come!!!

Anonymous said...

you are normal lori. once you get into an emotional eating pattern, its very difficult to get out of. and so many people deal with this issue.

i started the emotonal eating at pagenet, and sometimes with talking to myself i can control it.. and then other times - just having pms, being upset with jeff or an event, i'll eat. lately i've been nervous eating which is also causing me to eat too fast.

its a daily struggle kiddo. and that money your dad offered was a wonderful thought on his part as he's only trying to help you knowing you are unhappy.. but you cant lose weight for the money. you will lose it when you're ready too.

ok for one - lets not talk about eating habits right now. make a promise to yourself to walk a few times a week or 15 minutes every day. its tough right now in the cold - but could you use the gym at school at all? walking is so good for weight loss - for mental health. its tough to make too many changes at once - you wont stick with it. baby steps.

try walking first... after awhile - cut back on certain foods - dont eliminate them. see how you feel after awhile.. use your blog to track your progress or a journal for privacy.

i tell you, i have not worked out since august & my whole mood has shifted back to blah. eating badly, more prone to emotional eating...sucking back the pepsi.. i miss working out - not just for the weight i lost ( which was very minimal ) but for how i felt emotionally. every morning i woke up feeling great.. now im waking up sluggish & grouchy.

can you promise me you'll try to find a way to get walking? If you cant find a place to walk - buy a walk away the pounds video at walmart for $10. most of them are 20 minutes long & thats how i got into the exercising routine. you promise me, and i'll promise you that i'll do better myself & get my butt moving again - deal?

btw - you are good enough to everyone you know. you are a wonderful person & your friends love you to pieces. we never judge you or never think that you are not good enough...sometimes i think you are too good. love yourself lori & make peace with who you are. you are a very special person.

Lea said...

Lori, You are very normal and have a heart of gold. I have been going through the same weight stress as you. I haven't dated in 3 years because of my low self esteem with my weight gain. I put on over 30lbs. and cannot seem to shake it off. I agree that our weight can really be a struggle down the road if it gets to much out of control. Maybe we can come up with a plan and somehow the both of us can shed some pounds off. I have tried the diet pills etc. I know when I get depressed I turn to food. I just don't even have the energy to exercise. I would rather sit around watching tv and feed my face. Ok lets work on this together! We are 2 hot chics with big hearts. You know we both need a good lickin' and a good stickin'! Once we start losing weight we will feel so much better about ourselves! Tell your dad to hold onto the $1000.00. When we lose the weight then he can split the money up between you and I. Ha! Just kidding. Remember you are a great friend and don't ever feel like you are not good enough. Just don't lose your big boobs! My dad would be heart broken if that happened to you.