Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Random Thoughts for the Day - school related!

Thanks for the comments about my second job. I'll keep everyone posted about what happens when I call her. Joy!

It's that time of the year again. Back to school. Parents doing the dance thing down the Staples aisle. Teachers stressing out about getting their classroom ready and lesson plans completed. Kids complaining that they have to start getting up early again for the new school year.

I went to Staples (my first trip of MANY!) yesterday to pick up a few things for school. I belong to Teacher Rewards so a certain percentage of what I spend comes back to me in savings. Since I spend so much money in that store, it really pays to belong to the program. I picked up some binders (Although I still keep most of my curriculum on my computer, I still keep the hard copies in a binder), markers for my white board (I officially killed my markers from last year - OR should I say my students killed the markers when they wrote all over my white boards good-bye notes and well-wishes for my trip to Russia on the last few days of school), tacks for the bulletin boards (I'm going to do a board on Russia - surprise!), and binder clips (the best invention ever!). Once I get settled into my classroom, I'm sure that I will be taking a few more road trips to the local Staples to load up on more supplies. Wouldn't it be nice if my school actually provided materials to me???????
Once I get my classroom all set up, I'll take some photos and post them at a later date.

Some of my first day of school memories:

*The smell of pencils and school supplies (still gets me hot and excited - I know - I'm a sick person!)

*Mom and Dad ALWAYS taking a picture of Mandy and I on the first day of school. I have EIGHT of them for the first 8 years of school. You can always tell the styles of clothing and hair of the time based on those pictures.

*Meeting my teacher(s) for the first time. I have mostly positive memories. I have one BAD memory of one teacher I had for 3rd and 4th grades - she was the most horrible teacher in the world! She used to make fun of kids that couldn't read! Who does that???????

*In high school, going shopping to pick out that that "First day of School" outfit.

*In high school, I always wondered if I would know anyone in my classes. I need to point out that my high school had 400 students in it and it was a VERY small high school.

What is your first day of school memory? Could be your own personal experience - could be your child (or children) experience. Please share. :-)
And, for your enjoyment, here is a little picture of me and my friends on the 1st day of school (probably around 5th or 6th grade).


Anonymous said...

That picture is priceless... I do remember the days when I was happy about going back to school. The only times we really "lined" up and liked it was for that picture and of cource the one when we dressed up for Halloween!!!

And that horrible teacher that made fun of children for not knowing something... that is the kind of thing that gives teachers a bad rap... THANK GOODNESS THERE ARE MORE LIKE YOU!!!

Anonymous said...

Your still adorable to this day!