Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Been busy

I've been busy so I haven't had a chance to post anything about my trip yet.

Here's a little "tease":

The teacher in me is coming out so here is a quick quiz:

1) Guess who?

2) Why is this person dressed this way?

Have fun commenting! :-)


Anonymous said...

What a good one to start with... I would answer and get an A... but thats because you already told us the answer... :-)

Anonymous said...

LOL! You are so cute. I have no clue...was it Windy?

Lea said...

That outfit is sexy! I need to answer your 2 questions. First question was guess who's in the pic? My answer is a little ho I met from Hall High School. Ha! Question 2 was why are you dressed that way. My answer is it's National Prostitution Week. You go girl! Ha Ha!