Friday, August 31, 2007

Major Duh!

I brought my camera with me to Maine but forgot to take pictures and I left my camera in the car. Bad M-Dawg! :-(

Had a nice visit with Susie and her family. Her and her husband Wayne have twin boys, Walt and Will. They are four years old and are such cutie pies! Full of energy and life! Wayne's sister, Karen, lives in Wells, Maine and spent the day with us too.

We drove over to Kennebunkport for lunch at Federal Jack's Restaurant. I had a delicious lobster roll -it's been forever since I've had lobster and it was yummy!

One of boys got sick after we ate lunch - I felt so bad for the little guy! :-(

Afterwards, we walked around some of the quaint shops and stores. I window shopped! :-)

We spent a nice day together and caught up. It's been over four years since we've seen each other.

Oh, the countdown for the last day of second job is two more days!! Wahoooo!!!!! :-)


Anonymous said...

Wait I'm confused...I thought the 31st was your last day?

If Rich gets any lobsters tomorrow maybe we'll have a lobster roll for lunch on Monday? Crossing my fingers!

Anonymous said...

whats with you & the camera lately silly girl?

sounds like you had a very nice day, although sorry to hear one of the boys got sick.