Saturday, July 15, 2006

Heat Wave in New England!

The humidity here is around 70 - ughy! Icky! Disgusting! Makes me feel like I'm back in IL!

I'm supposed to meet my former roommate, Chris, today. The plan is to go to the beach and eat lobster for dinner! This is the joy of only living 10 minutes away from the beach and ocean.

Yummy! LOBSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope that the beach isn't that crowded - huh! It's the height of tourist season M-Dawg - what the hell are you thinking???? Yes, the beach will be crowded with annoying tourists!

Stay cool everyone - it's going to be hot and humid until at least Tuesday of next week. Ughy!


Anonymous said...

Have fun tonight with Chris :) I tell ya..i hate this humidity. People laugh at me when I say I'd rather be in 106 degree weather in Vegas because it's DRY heat...a big difference.

Anonymous said...

Lobster and the Beach... sounds GREAT... ENJOY!

Humidity is nasty... back here in IL, its going to be 95+ today and when you add in humidity and stuff they are saying its going to be 105... YIKES!

Thank goodness for the pool and AC.