Wednesday, April 11, 2007


I'm done with calculating and entering my grades into the computer.

Yeah for me. :-)

Oh, I had another drama today:
*Two of my Honors World Studies students came up to me to show me a grade on their paper that I "supposedly" neglected to write in my grade book (these students are best friends). Problem: the grade on the paper is NOT my handwriting! AND, it's pretty obvious that one of the students wrote the grade since it's in HER handwriting. So, guess whose parents I get to call during my lunch tomorrow???? And to add more fun to this joyous occasion - one of the parents that I need to talk to is known as the psycho parent on my team. Joy!

How dumb do you think I am folks???????

Is it Friday yet?????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Goofy kids... are they really that nieve to think they can get away with that? It just amazes me... I hope your call to the parents goes ok...