Monday, April 16, 2007

Random post . . . .

Just some thoughts:

*I totally forgot to give a shot out to Brian Hunt - my friend Cheryl's husband. Last week was his birthday. Happy belated birthday Brian! Hope Cheryl and the boys were extra good to you.

*One of my colleagues at school ran the Boston Marathon on Monday. His time: 3:43:54. Go Dan go! :-)

*The college shootings today in Virginia. So sad. I just don't get all this violence in our world. My thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of all the victims tonight.

*I purchased a Learn the Russian Language in the Car CD. I figured I'd might as well make my 30-90 minute commute more educational and useful. Hopefully, I will pick up some key terms.

*I think I may start building an ark - Noah had the right idea. We are getting so much rain this week. The sun doesn't show up on the weather map until Friday. Blah!

*My folks are camping this week in their new camper with Uncle Jim and Aunt Marilyn here. The first official christening of the new homestead. :-)

*I have to share this cute picture that my friend Traci emailed today. It's her husband Mark and their son Jeffrey! Is this not the cutest thing ever????


Anonymous said...

You never get a break... now you're learning Russian during your drive... WOW... YOU GO GIRL!!!

Yeah, my guys are SO cute!

Anonymous said...

Very cute picture! Brian had a pretty good birthday although it was on Friday the 13th! He was spoiled as always, though!
The shootings are very scary! What are these kids thinking and why are they thinking this way? Maybe prayer isn't such a bad thing to have in the schools - it may help instead of allowing prayer only after tragedy...sort of a preventative measure. It certainly makes ya think it can help!
Wow! Learning another language takes a lot of time and patience I bet! I admire you for even attempting it! You are going to have a grand time in Russia and I'm very excited for you!