Sunday, October 15, 2006

Pictures from Kuwait

My cousin, Danny, has been stationed in Kuwait since last November (Dan's father and my father are brothers). He's due to come soon but he's been keeping touch through email. Last school year, Danny would email me at school and send pictures of what he was doing over there. My students would then email questions to him through my school email account. We had a nice little exchange going on between my students and my "little" cousin. I also had my students make Dan some cards and letters to cheer him up. I haven't had the chance to mail them out until recently so he just received them. He sent me an email to thank me and give me an update on what's going on with him. He also included a few pictures.

Here are a few recent pictures of Dan in Kuwait:

I am so proud of Dan!


Anonymous said...

What a great thing to be proud of... And to Dan - Thanks for fighting for the rest of us... Take CARE!

Anonymous said...

Kudos to your cousin :) It's also nice to have your students involved in doing such a nice thing for your cousin. Kudos to the kids too!

Anonymous said...

thats a wonderful thing you were doing & dan must appreciate it so much.

i hope he is doing ok & comes home safely.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Dan & all our soldiers for fighting for us! I betcha Dan really appreciates all the support you & your students give! We hope he returns home safely!