Monday, October 09, 2006

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Check out this web site and click away!
Breast Cancer kills thousands of women every year. Early detection is the key to a high survival rate. Check out this site on how to perform a self-exam.
Don't just think that you can get breast cancer if it runs in your family (it runs in my family). You can get breast cancer even if the disease does not run in your family. Be pro-active! Start feeling yourselves up ladies! :-)
To Mom, a survivor - this post is for you! I love you!


Anonymous said...

Great Entry Lori! And thanks for the reminder about examining ourselves. I admit...i'm a slacker in that department. Shame on me!

Kudos to your mom!! This reminds me that there is hope for people with cancer.

Anonymous said...

Your Mom is a hero. Breast cancer is everywhere & anywhere. It just seems to be striking out regardless of age, race, or family history.

One of my Aunts had it, shes good now.. my sister Sharon had a lump removed and most recently my Auntie Rosie passed away from it.

Thats great that you have added on how to examine ourselves. Im certainly a slacker on this as well. AND I was suppose to go for a mammogram & have not gone :( I may hate the size of these thins - but knock on wood & thank GOd - so far they're healthy!