Tuesday, January 16, 2007

It's cold here in New England

We are currently experiencing a cold spell here in New England. We went from 70 degree weather in January to 15 degree weather! Crazy stuff!

Good news is that my classroom in the modular is nice and toasty! Why? Because I can jack up the heat . . . that's why! :-)

Bad news is that I control the thermostat for my classroom and the classroom across the hallway from me. The poor guy across the hallway . . . .he's got the windows opened and is sweating his $%&$#@ off! Oops . . . .

Today was a long key day. The students are coming off of a four day weekend so they were pretty calm for the most part. We start midterm exams next week so I'm prepping them for exams and trying to make a one last chance at teaching curriculum that needs to be taught - thank you MA Curriculum Frameworks! :-) 1st rule - cram as much information down their throats as humanly possible the week before exams. They will hate you with a stormy passion! 2nd rule - scare them and freak them out about the exam (Ex: tell them the exam is over 40 pages and keep a straight face!).

I'm so evil . . . . . I adore freshman . . . . you can torture them to the fullest extreme and truly get away with it. There is a place in hell for me. You know that, right?????

Is it February break yet????????


Lauren & Rich said...

Oh I wish it was February. As soon as February comes it's one more month down from winter.

Those students deserve to be told a little white lie every now and then, especially what they just pulled recently. Good luck :) and Stay warm...brrrrr

Anonymous said...

you're too funny loo!

*happy to hear you have heat
*too bad the other guy's sweating his beejesus' off ;)
*small white lies are mean - but what the hell, the kids only torture you eventually anyways
*its freakin' cha-cha-chilly out..wait! nope.. its actually *@*#)@ FREEEEEZING OUT! this sucks.. bbbbrrrrrr