Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Professional Day #2

It was a long and exhausting day at school. My classroom still isn't where it needs to be at this point. I'm trying not to stress out too much about since I'm only in this room until December.

We had the freshman come in today for orientation. I had to do four thirty minute presentations on the goals for the year. The kids are good so far. I have a few that could be potential problems but most of them are rather sweet and good. So far. :-)

I wasn't able to get as much work as I needed to get done today because of the freshman thing. Being in a new school takes some serious adjusting to my life.

Also, I just want to give everyone a heads up. If I'm not blogging or emailing right away it's because I'm buried in school stuff right now. So please forgive me. Plus, I'm going to be working at Paws a few days during the week and on weekends. The beginning of the school year tends to be rather overwhelming so until I get a grip on a routine, please know that I am thinking about all my fellow bloggers and friends!

My butt is seriously dragging right now and I still have more school stuff to do before I head to bed.

Pleasant dreams all -


Anonymous said...

I'm sure everyone understands there are times in a teachers life when they have no time for anything... plus with you being in new surroundings... yikes... I would be exhausted...


Anonymous said...

we understand loo that this time of year you're going to be crazy busy.

hopefully you'll get thru this all in one piece! :)

ditto on what traci said - remember to take care of yourself too. thats so very important.