Saturday, September 23, 2006

I'm exhausted!

Yes, it's been a long week. I crashed last night. Next week will be even longer.

I work all weekend at Paws. I have a ton of school work to complete by Monday.

This is my week:
Sunday - Work at Paws.
Monday - Meet w/ 9th grade History teachers to do common planning.
Wednesday - Professional Day -Workshop on SPED and afterwards, a dept meeting
Thursday - Meet the Parent's Night - 6:30-8:30 - LONG DAY! I won't even bother coming back home. I'll just stay down there.
Friday - Girl's Night Out - Lauren organized a group of us to meet at Kowloon's in Saugus. I am VERY much looking forward to this!
Saturday - Work at Paws

Sorry I haven't been posting a lot. School is keeping me rather busy. I'm hoping that after September, I will get into a normal swing of things and not spend so much time at school. It just seems that there is never enough time in the day for me to get my stuff done. Ughy!

Hope everyone had a good week. Thanks for all emails and hugs!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy Cow! You are VERY busy. Remember to take some time for yourself to unwind, otherwise you will burn out :)

I'm looking forward to Friday night but if you are way too tired from the week to go...i totally understand!