Monday, May 14, 2007

Congrats to Carla!

My friend Carla just called to tell me that her Thesis Paper was finally approved so she officially has a Masters degree from the University of New Hampshire!!!!

Carla and I used to team teach World Studies at Timberlane. Carla taught the English and I did the History. We used to have so much fun teaching together and making those great connections in History and Literature.

Carla is currently teaching up in Maine and teaches AP English.

Carla's goal is to teach at the college/university level - the next step - her PhD!

I'm so very proud of her! Congratulations Carla!

Go Carla Go!


Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS CARLA! WOW! What an achievement! You must be so very proud! Great job!

Anonymous said...

WOW... What a great accomplishment... CONGRATS!

Anonymous said...

big congratulations carla! great job! hope you are very proud of yourself cuz you should be :)

Lauren & Rich said...

Awesome! Congrats to Carla!!!