Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Update on freshman driving me nuts . . .

I had a mandatory meeting today with my three officers. The president is the only one that showed up for the meeting. Lovely.

One of the girls had a death in the family so I'm fine with that (duh!). The other girl went down to the middle school to socialize with her friends. Yes! Blew off the meeting.

I also had an announcement read today about an organizational meeting on Monday after school to plan the Fling. I'm getting lots of feedback from other kids so it sounds like they want to help out.

Since the class officers won't do the work, the other kids will step up to the plate and produce for me. Score!

I'll keep ya's posted . . . thanks for the positive words and support all. :-)

1 comment:

The Tour Marm said...

Sorry your officers are so flakey.

Perhaps some counseling on responsibility and leadership would be appropriate.