Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My Freshmen are driving my nuts!

OK. I'm freshman class advisor. I know. Stupid me for getting involved yet again. I have three class officers (I'm down one officer since no one ran for the office of treasurer).

I had to cancel yet another dance because my officers can't follow through on anything! Let's back track . . . Back in December, they come up with this brilliant idea to have a Valentine's Day dance. I say Great! Good idea! Will bring in a ton of money for the class. Well, the week before the dance, they have NOTHING done! Nothing! No DJ. No paperwork signed. No administrator. No police officer. No chaperone's. So, I pulled it. They proceed to tell me that they would like to try a St. Paddy's dance (notice a theme here????). Again, great! BUT, you need to get all paperwork and other stuff in two weeks before the dance. Why? Because people (teachers and administrators) have lives! Guess what??? No can do! They ask me if they can put it off to March 30th. Again, I said sure! Same thing as before . . . get all the stuff in and approved. Postponed again for April 5th (we don't have school on Friday since it's Good Friday).

Well, today I called a meeting and only one of my three officers showed up. I cancelled the dance for April 5th since nothing was turned again.

NOW . . . for the REAL fun of this dilemma. The freshman are scheduled to have a Freshman Fling on May 11th. It's like a semi-formal dance to be held at the high school. The date was chosen by the school so we have no say in the date. I've been on the kids since at least January to start planning or organizing this dance. It's a huge deal for the kids. Yet again, guess what hasn't been planned yet?

So, I went to the activities director who's in charge of all the class advisers today (I had emailed her twice with my concerns and she never responded). I should point out that this woman doesn't do her job and gets a paid stipend of $10,000 and does nothing!!! I tell her what's going on and I ask her if I have the authority to pull the Fling. She tells me no. She does tell me that since my officers are not doing their job that I can put an announcement out that anyone in the freshman class that is interested in planning the Fling should see me. This Fling needs to be planned either way. We originally had a DJ planned but the officer that was supposed to follow through in confirming never called him back so he gave away the date. Great!

So, do I plan this Fling on my own? I have to say I'm a tad bit resentful at this point since I've already graduated from high school and have done the school dance thing. These kids are soooo lazy and not motivated to do anything. And, the best part about it???? My officers are blaming me and so the freshman class is angry at me. Joy! I have been telling them what needs to done, who they need to contact, and the importance of why this stuff needs to get done in a timely manner. They just don't listen. The only reassuring thing for me is that the sophomore class advisers are having the same problem with their officers.

I think what I'm going to do is put in an announcement starting tomorrow for a meeting next Monday for anyone that wants to help plan the Fling should meet in my room after school on Monday. I'm also going to talk to my Freshman Housemaster to see if he can motivate the kids since they are not listening to me.

Sound like a plan, spam???? :-) See . . . I'm trying to keep my sense of humor through all of this.

All of this drama is why I'm not advising next year. I'm done. I'm toast! I'm outa here! :-)


Lauren & Rich said...

I'm sorry you have had such a difficult times with these kids. It must be extremley stressful for you and so fustrating because you put your heart and sould into making these kids happy and they just could care less :(

Anonymous said...

geesh these kids definitly need some motivation! and if you cant do it, im not sure who could. you are doing the best you can to get these guys to do what they need to, thats all you can do. they have to at least try. its sad because high school is suppose to be the best years of your life & they'll be missing out on these wonderful things, but in the end its their own fault.

dont make yourself crazy loo. i know you want them to enjoy every experience & learn responsibility, but you're doing the best you can.

hang in there! will be keeping fingers crossed that a bunch of kids show up next monday & actually try to get this planned. good luck!