Thursday, October 18, 2007

I think I need a vacation . . . .

It's been one of those weeks. Even though I was out sick on Monday and Tuesday, it seems like a very long week!

I go back to school on Wednesday - an early release day for the kids in the morning and a professional day for the adults in the afternoon. My school didn't make AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress - a No Child Left Behind thing) so we are going into freak out test the hell out of the kids mode. The 9th graders spent two hours doing MCAS English and Math practice tests (in my state, you need to pass these tests to graduate - don't pass - no high school diploma). Since I'm on the freshman team, I had to proctor the tests. These tests were thrown together at the last minute so there were no instructions and no communication to the teachers. The 10th and 11th graders were given the PSAT's. The 12th graders were shown a video on how to make positive choices (no alcohol or drugs) and then were put into groups to create activities (they got the better end of the deal since they got to bond with their class). The 9th graders had an assembly for the last hour about responsibility. The last two blocks of the day were shortened to 30 minutes. Not a lot of academic learning could take place in that time.

After the kids left for the day, I got to sit in a department meeting for an hour and an half to brainstorm about how does my dept. help with MCAS (our MCAS are still in pilot mode and won't count until 2012). We then met as a faculty to discuss all the ways every single department is supporting MCAS. It sounds like all departments are doing what they are supposed to be doing to help the kids succeed on MCAS. I just don't know what more we can do except maybe take the test for the kids. The skill level of reading and writing is VERY low at my school. I have a lot of kids this year that can barely read above a 2nd grade reading level. How do I work with that? I'm not trained in it. I help the kids as best as I can during the school day when they are in class with me but they need more help. They need to stay after school for extra help and they won't stay. Compared to my last school, students don't value their education or respect their teachers. It's emotionally draining to continue sticking your neck out to help these kids and they just don't get it! The day was very long and draining and I still wasn't feeling well. I probably should've called in sick again but I really didn't want to take another sick day.

Today, I had parent conferences after school. I had a line! Almost all the parents that wanted to talk to me were the Honor's parents and all they just wanted to hear how great their kid was doing in my class. The conferences were supposed to end at 3:00 but I didn't leave school until 5:00 pm! Ughy!

Also, today the union rep stopped by to ask if I would mind wearing a t-shirt and protest outside every morning to support the union negotiations. Yes, we are still without a contract and the 2nd year without a raise. And, I need to point out that this is my second year so I'm not tenured yet. It's a high risk to go out and protest for the union since the union can't protect me my first three years anyway. $500 a year is taken out my paycheck for union dues.

Oh, my Dad went to the emergency room yesterday morning. He was in pain - he's got a kidney stone and it won't pass. They admitted him and monitored him. I got a phone call a few hours ago and they are performing surgery to get the stone out. Please think happy thoughts for my Daddy! :-)

Sorry this post is all over the place. I'm tired. I'm exhausted. And, I still feel like poop!


Anonymous said...

Geez...You've got all kinds of drama going on in your life ... no wonder you're always sick! I wish there was magic wand to make it all go away for you! :)
You didn't say if you were going to do the protest or not? Good luck with whatever you decided! I hope that it all goes well and you can get your contract & focus on the kids (who obviously need the attention!)
Lots of prayers for a speedy recovery for your dad! Keep us informed of his progress! I hope that he's not in a lot of pain :(
Take it easy! Get lots of rest!

Anonymous said...

lots of prayers for your dad! Keep us posted on how he's doing :)

I think stress is a major factor on why you are always sick. I'm sorry for all this unncessary drama. It's awful that most of things kids have a reading disability. How did they ever make it this far? It's pretty scary. There should be more teachers like you out there that actually care.

Looking forward till tomorrow. I hope we can get your mind off of some of your crazyiness!

Lea said...

I am thinking of your dad and hope everything goes well for him. My mom had kidney stones in the past and their very painful. I know she had to go to Mayo's Clinic because they didn't pass and they couldn't laser them either. You have alot going on. She said it was a painful surgery. I can't wait for you to come back and have a nice relaxing visit with your lil' fishy and the gang!Take care, Lea