Thursday, October 25, 2007

I think the stress is finally getting to me . . .

I left school early today because I wasn't feeling good. Headache, stomach blahs, fever, etc.

I think the stress of everything is finally getting to me. I'm debating about taking Friday off as a sick day and just take a mental health day.

I have a horrible teaching schedule this year. I get a 90 minute planning period every other day. It's a violation of our old contract but it would require changing all 1600 student schedules to accommodate six teachers in the freshman house. By contract, we are supposed to get 90 minutes planning every day. Yesterday, I lost my planning period due to two parent meetings so I didn't have to do my duty today. This terrible schedule also requires that I plan far ahead and sometimes that is impossible due to assemblies, field trips of other classes, meetings, etc.

My second issue this year is that I was given a student with autism. This student has an aide but the aide just sits there and reads his book and doesn't help the autistic student. I have no background or training in autism. This student is VERY demanding and high maintenance. His mother is pushing for all the SPED services. This student is a cutie pie but very difficult to work with in the classroom when I have 24 other students to teach and help. Getting no help from the aide is pushing me over the edge! And, of course, my school is not providing any help or support either.

My third issue is my co-taught class with a SPED teacher. I've vented about him A LOT last school year. He's the one that sits in the back of my classroom and falls asleep and farts??? Nothing has changed this year. I still have the same teacher and he still behaves the same way. The difference is that this year's class we have at least five students who can't read above a 2nd grade reading level and need more support. We also have over 75% of the class of IEP's (Individual Education Plans). I make as many accommodations as I can but the SPED teacher is supposed to be doing it too. At progress report time, every single one of my SPED kids in that class is failing right now. I run around that classroom with my head cut off trying to help all these kids. Yes, I've complained to the administration and his head teacher and I was told to "Suck it up. He's retiring at the end of the school year." (yes, this is a direct quote!) This school is very lucky that the parents don't understand their children's IEP's or the school would have some serious lawsuits with all the violations and codes they are breaking! As I mentioned above I left school early today. The SPED teacher was in the room and he had the balls to give me an attitude since I asked him to cover the class for the last 1/2 hour since I was going home sick! I need to point out that this man is making THE SAME SALARY THAT I MAKE and does nothing!!!!!! Oh, he does nothing in the other four content classes he's supposed to be co-teaching with too.

And, of course, the NO contract thing. It weighs over the faculty very hard. Veteran teachers are standing outside in the mornings with protest signs (no, we are not on strike; it's illegal in my state for teachers to go on strike!). It's the second year without a contract and I'm making the same salary as I was making last year. Meanwhile, the cost of living goes up and the city I work for will not settle on a new contract. The morale in the building is really low and depressing. And, we are constantly being asked to do more. I just can't take it anymore.

Rumor has it that the high school in the town that I live in will be hiring next school year for a few social studies teacher positions (retirements). I will try and apply but I'd be surprised if they call me in for an interview. It will be my 10th year next year and I'm too expensive to hire at this point. I can't really afford to take a pay cut plus I'd screw myself for retirement by taking less money. So, I'm stuck at my current job. I am looking at other options outside of teaching as well.

So I hope this explains what's up with me. Why I haven't been blogging a lot lately and when I do blog, it's usually negative.


EHT said...

I'm glad you came over to visit. For some reason my administrators always placed the autistic students in my room.....perhaps it was because I was willing to have a parade of aides through my room and I try to be patient with difficult situations. At any rate I've taught/tried to teach my fair share of autistic students even though I have never been trained regarding any strategies or regarding any explanation as to what austism is. The challenge is just as no two regular ed students are alike no two autistic students are either. Some talk, some don't, some speak out, scream, and most cannot handle having their routine disrupted in any way. A great aide is worth a year's salary to me. I'm sorry you don't have one. My system would not pay for me to have any training and I could not afford it on my own. Read everything you can on autistic learning that's free on the web or library. Perhaps you can pick up some pointers for your particular student's needs. I'll be thinking about you. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh M-Dawg! I'm sorry you are going through a hard time. You sure don't need this added stress in your life!

I hope you ended up taking a mental health deserve some time off and hope you have a nice relaxing weekend!

Anonymous said...

yikes... sounds like no one wants to take responsibility... and once again you are stuck picking up the slack...

it just amazes me that everyone higher up lets this sped person get away with being paid and not doing any work... what can they be thinking? even if they are lazy, you'd think they would be unhappy that they are working for their paycheck... but then again, are they really doing what they should be either?

its really sad how few people are doing what they are supposed to be... and EVEN MORE SAD... how you end up putting even more on your own shoulders to try and help your students.

i would normally say, you are just such a SPECIAL person... which you are... but its also not healthy to take everything on yourself.

sounds like there is no good answer to this dilemma. sorry none of us that are willing to help are able.

Anonymous said...

so very sorry to hear you are having such a miserable time & not feeling very well.

i hope you took friday off as a mental health day & enjoy your pumpkins (the pumpkin martini sounds delicious!)

totally sympathize with you too loo. i have been very stressed myself & actually took friday off as a mental health day. i was in such a great mood sunday - never wanted to go to sleep because i didnt want monday to come along & be stuck back at work. its such an awful feelig.

i hope things look up for you soon so you can destress! lots of love &hugs coming at ya!