Sunday, November 05, 2006

M-Dawg is a very sick Dog! :-)

Whatever the current choice of germ(s) going around my school, I've officially caught it!

First, one of my students was just diagnosed with Whooping Cough - not a good thing if you ask me. They seem to think it was caught in time so hopefully an epidemic won't occur at my school.

Second, I think I've officially run myself into the ground! I think that's why I got sick.

I left school early on Friday - I slept almost the entire weekend. I'm starting to feel somewhat better except my throat is killing me. I did go to the store and bought some good drugs to knock whatever is in my body out - cross your fingers!

If I'm not feeling better by Monday, I'll call my doctor. I promise. :-)

Since I slept all weekend, I got no school work done at all. The quarter ends on Wednesday. We have a professional day on Thursday (no kids) and Friday we have off for Veteran's Day.

My quizzes and projects will not get correcting on their own - I was wondering . . . is there such thing as the correcting fairy? You know. . . someone to correct all my papers and projects for me?

I think those drugs have officially kicked in! I'm seeing correcting fairies! :-)


Anonymous said...

Hey gal... take care! We are all sick at our house too... I hope you start feeling better... Your body might go into shock if you don't keep up your CRAZY BUSY schedule... No one I know gets as much done as you!

Anonymous said...

Take care of yourself M-Dawg. I had a feeling you would come down with something. Hope your feeling much better today :)

Anonymous said...

feel better mdawg! you need to chill out & relax girl.

keep sleeping & resting up & take care of YOU.

love ya sickie - hope you feel better!