Friday, November 10, 2006

Feeling so-so better

Not exactly a good way of putting how I feel but that pretty much sums it up!

I need to call my Dr. again today. The meds don't really seem to be working very well. My nose is still plugged up and my throat is still sore, puffy, and swollen. The fever has gone away which is good and the achiness is gone too.

It's been been a week today since this sickness drama started. I'm sick of being sick. Plain and simple.

I did go into Paws last night to work. Probably shouldn't have gone in but there is no one else to work for me. The owner still hasn't hired anyone else so we are still short staffed. The owner went away on vacation too. And, the new gal she hired back in August isn't picking everything up as fast as we would like so who knows what will happen with that . . . . .

I do work today - it's only 2:30-5:00 so it shouldn't be too tough (I hope). I open the store tomorrow and work 10-3. I have Sunday off which is a good thing.


Anonymous said...

Take care of yourself girlie. I hope the doc can prescribe some good meds for you. Be sure to rest up this weekend if you can :)

Anonymous said...

geez - you should be catching up on zzzz's!

please dont work too much - you need to recover.

karla's aunt on her dad's side made karla take a tablespoon of honey every so often & it helped karla. so if you dont have any, buy some... have a tablespoon of it & make some tea with it.

it wont hurt anyways.

feel better loo!

Lea said...

Get better soon Lori! I can't wait to see you next month. Love your lil' fishy

Anonymous said...

Hope you start feeling better soon. You need to stop running yourself down so much! Remember to take care of you first!