Thursday, November 16, 2006

Happy Birthday Mom!!!

Look at this sexy lady!
This picture was taken in our swimming pool at our house in Dalzell, IL.
Happy Birthday Mom!
Mom is the most amazing lady that I know . . . . her spirit and passion for life is incredible! Mom is always there for me no matter what stupid things I've done throughout my life. You are always so supportive to Mandy and I with everything we do. You love us unconditionally. You make us laugh. You are the bestest Momma in the world!
Mom, I love you!
Happy Birthday and enjoy your day - you deserve the best!
PS Make Dad take you out to dinner tonight! :-)


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Mom! Love the look so relaxing. I hope you have a wonderful day. We need to meet next time you are in Mass!

Anonymous said...

Happy B-day "J"...

I remember that pool :-) what a good time!

Anonymous said...

aw great pic of your mom! big birthday wishes going out to her! hope she had a wonderful day :)