Saturday, January 12, 2008

I still have my job . . . for now.

Just wanted to give an update on the cuts. You can read about it here.

The 11 cuts ended up being 9 because my Principal and the three assistant principals took a pay cut to save 2 teacher jobs. Unfortunately, they are not making it public that the administrators took the pay cut.

I made it through this first round. Now I have to worry about possible bumping next week.

The support staff won't be told about their cuts until Monday. I don't think it is fair to them. They've been just as stressed about this drama as the teachers. I think we are going to lose the majority of our support staff.

This situation is so sad and ridiculous! All because of one man that screwed the city!

The Principals referred to Friday as "Black Friday" - how true is that statement????

Please continue to be thinking happy thoughts and positive vibes for my school community. We took a huge blow on Friday. :-(


Anonymous said...

So glad you made it through the first round. I have faith that every thing will work out for you. Keeping positive thoughts!

Anonymous said...

its like torture... they just keep dragging it out... glad to hear that you are so far doing okay... keep hanging in there... the kids need you!