Friday, January 18, 2008

Day off for M-Dawg! :-)

My district originally had scheduled a professional day today. In the midst of the new contract vote and lay offs, they decided to give us the day off. No one seems to know if we have to make it up at the end of the school year.

Overall, I'm enjoying the day. Going at my own pace. Productive but not running around with my head cut off. Had to take the car in for an oil change and tuneup. $280.00 later, I walked out with an almost new car (they wash and vacuum it for free). Ran some errands.

I'm now back at home. Doing laundry. Catching up on blogs. Paying bills. Doing some correcting and grades. Ellie the Cat is loving me around the house as I write this post - she's laying across the computer desk, purring away. :-)

A few updates in the life of M-Dawg:
*The new contract got voted in by 9 votes. I voted no because the city was offering a 2% raise but raising our insurance by 5% (the city currently pays 80% and we pay 20% - it will now be 75% paid by city and 25% of the employee expense). The folks that voted yes said, "This is the best that we will get" and my personal favorite, "I don't get the health insurance through the school (they get their health insurance through their husband's work) anyway so who cares?" Nice! :-(
*We got some good news regarding some of the cuts. Businesses and citizens of the city donated a total of $200,000 to save teacher jobs. You can read about it here. The money will be used for the elementary teaching positions that were cut. There is hope that more money will be raised to save the middle and high school positions that were cut as well.
*The bumping is still an issue and I will keep folks updated on that topic.
*I was invited by a student from last year to their induction ceremony into National Honor Society on Thursday night. She wrote a really nice note inside the invitation that I will post over the weekend. It brought tears to my eyes!
*A group of teachers from the induction ceremony decided to go out last night for a few drinks. Let's just say that a nice time was had by all - including M-Dawg! I NEVER drink anymore so it was somewhat entertaining.

I also want to acknowledge all the support that you all gave me during this rough time with the cuts. My friends and family were there for me and I really appreciate the emails, phone calls, cards, and comments on the blog with words of support and love.

I Love Ya Man! :-)

Enjoy your weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you had a nice less stressful past few days. I also read in my mom's local newspaper about the fundraising too. How great is that?!

I will keep my fingers crossed for ya as always...but I have faith everything will work out :)