Friday, January 25, 2008

The summary of Midterm Exam week for M-Dawg . . .

I had a busy yet productive midterm exam week:

*Had Monday off for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. I cleaned and did some school work. I met a friend in Portsmouth for dinner.

*I didn't have exams the first two days. However, I was in a cleaning frenzy! I cleaned the whiteboards, desks, and swept the classroom floor. The custodians don't sweep my classroom. They empty the garbage cans (if I'm lucky). Everyone commented on how clean my room smelled and they could smell down the Hall. Good. It's better than the alternative! :-)

*Starting on Monday, I'll be teaching two sections of a new class called Current World Affairs. I co-wrote the curriculum over the summer with a colleague. I'm so pumped about teaching this class! Her and I met for three hours on one of the days to start planning and organizing the first week of the class. My numbers are high right now due to the teacher cuts.

*Corrected the Final Projects for my local history elective class. Some of the kids did an amazing job! One of my seniors made a model of one of the historical homes - the detail in the architectural features is amazing! Another student designed a Monopoly board game using all local street names, houses, and historical information. Cool stuff.

*We have no formal curriculum for the 9th grade World Studies class that I teach. It's frustrating but we all do our own thing right now. So, I typed out unit objectives and essential questions for each unit for the rest of the school year. At some point, we will have to write the curriculum so I figured that I might as well get a head start on it. Currently, I use the curriculum from my previous schools and align everything with the state frameworks.

*Midterm exams were given at the end of my week. My college prep kids tanked the exam. They didn't study at all for their exam. I gave them a study guide and told them to take it seriously. My Honors did alright overall. Looks like I will have high failure rates again for 2nd quarter. Ugh! :-(

*My co-advisor and I met with our class officers to start organizing their Sophomore Social. The kids seem to be under the impression that they can do everything at the last minute (Ex: book a DJ, get paperwork signed for approval, decorations, food, etc). They are in for a rude awakening . . .

*The Freshman House teachers met to discuss the grading policy. We had a huge debate about whether or not we should type in a letter grade (F) for those students that fail or enter a numerical grade (25%) on their report cards. All of the other grades are entered in as numerical. But, the idea of the F thing is to encourage kids to not give up and that they still have a chance to pass for the year. I believe in giving the numerical grade - I already give the kids a printout of their grades (I use GradeKeeper for calculating grades) so they know their "real" grade. Right now, only the Freshman House is going the "F" thing. We shall see if it works . . . .

*I would like to send my sympathy to my friend and her family. I attended the wake on Thursday evening of her father. Sending ya lots of hugs and love.

*Today after school, a few members of my dept and I went out for coffee at this cool cafe. We relaxed and chatted for a few hours.

So, it was a productive week overall. Exhausting. I have Saturday off from Paws so I will hang out at Starbucks to finish up correcting.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

I needed this at a time when all was icky in the world!

During the week of the cuts at my school, I received an invitation from a student to attend her National Honor Society Induction Ceremony (students pick one teacher to invite that has made a difference or impact in their life). I had this student last year in my US History Honors class. In the inside of the invitation, this is what she wrote (names have been changed to protect the innocent):

"Dear M-Dawg:
I would like to thank you for your immense effort in helping me academically in the past year or so by inviting you to my National Honors Society Induction Ceremony. In US History Honors, you helped me to enjoy and value history more deeply and I am grateful for all that I have taken with me into my junior year from that class. I enjoyed the Civil War Scrapbook project that we did and the current events at the beginning of class. These, among other aspects of our class, made me see history in a new light, as one of my favorite subjects. I am also appreciative of the fact that you challenged and encouraged me to take AP US History. I am benefiting greatly from that class. I look forward to our Harvard Model Congress trip and having you as a teacher for Current World Affairs in the 2nd semester. You are a kindhearted, down to earth teacher who knows how to make students feel welcome. I feel that you have made an influential contribution to my academic excellence and getting me to where I am today. Sincerely, M-Dawg's Student"

Words can't even begin to describe how I felt when I read this note. I received it at a time when all was dark in my world and I thought I might lose my job. I was very emotional all week because none of us knew if we were going to be cut.

I've received a few of these kind of notes in my nine years of teaching. As educators, we don't get this type of recognition very often. There are so many times when I want to give up teaching because I feel ungrateful and underpaid. And then ya get one of these notes or emails. Brings tears to my eyes!

I just received a nice payment in that note - it may not be monetary but it's the payment to know that I made a difference in a life.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Day off for M-Dawg! :-)

My district originally had scheduled a professional day today. In the midst of the new contract vote and lay offs, they decided to give us the day off. No one seems to know if we have to make it up at the end of the school year.

Overall, I'm enjoying the day. Going at my own pace. Productive but not running around with my head cut off. Had to take the car in for an oil change and tuneup. $280.00 later, I walked out with an almost new car (they wash and vacuum it for free). Ran some errands.

I'm now back at home. Doing laundry. Catching up on blogs. Paying bills. Doing some correcting and grades. Ellie the Cat is loving me around the house as I write this post - she's laying across the computer desk, purring away. :-)

A few updates in the life of M-Dawg:
*The new contract got voted in by 9 votes. I voted no because the city was offering a 2% raise but raising our insurance by 5% (the city currently pays 80% and we pay 20% - it will now be 75% paid by city and 25% of the employee expense). The folks that voted yes said, "This is the best that we will get" and my personal favorite, "I don't get the health insurance through the school (they get their health insurance through their husband's work) anyway so who cares?" Nice! :-(
*We got some good news regarding some of the cuts. Businesses and citizens of the city donated a total of $200,000 to save teacher jobs. You can read about it here. The money will be used for the elementary teaching positions that were cut. There is hope that more money will be raised to save the middle and high school positions that were cut as well.
*The bumping is still an issue and I will keep folks updated on that topic.
*I was invited by a student from last year to their induction ceremony into National Honor Society on Thursday night. She wrote a really nice note inside the invitation that I will post over the weekend. It brought tears to my eyes!
*A group of teachers from the induction ceremony decided to go out last night for a few drinks. Let's just say that a nice time was had by all - including M-Dawg! I NEVER drink anymore so it was somewhat entertaining.

I also want to acknowledge all the support that you all gave me during this rough time with the cuts. My friends and family were there for me and I really appreciate the emails, phone calls, cards, and comments on the blog with words of support and love.

I Love Ya Man! :-)

Enjoy your weekend!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Snow Day for M-Dawg! :-)

The naked snow day dance worked (for your visual folks - just ignore the "naked" comment)! :-)

No school today!

I just finished digging out my car so the plow could come in to plow me out of my parking spot.

Relaxing and hanging out with Ellie the Cat.

Enjoying some down time.

For your New England folks, please be careful driving out there today! :-)

Saturday, January 12, 2008

I still have my job . . . for now.

Just wanted to give an update on the cuts. You can read about it here.

The 11 cuts ended up being 9 because my Principal and the three assistant principals took a pay cut to save 2 teacher jobs. Unfortunately, they are not making it public that the administrators took the pay cut.

I made it through this first round. Now I have to worry about possible bumping next week.

The support staff won't be told about their cuts until Monday. I don't think it is fair to them. They've been just as stressed about this drama as the teachers. I think we are going to lose the majority of our support staff.

This situation is so sad and ridiculous! All because of one man that screwed the city!

The Principals referred to Friday as "Black Friday" - how true is that statement????

Please continue to be thinking happy thoughts and positive vibes for my school community. We took a huge blow on Friday. :-(

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Update: M-Dawg is "hanging"

Had an emergency faculty meeting on Monday and received a memo from the Superintendent in our mailbox.

There are going to be 20 teachers cut from my building alone. I can't even begin to describe the sense of stress, emotions, and resentment that filled that auditorium. The atmosphere in my building is horrible right now. I need to point out that it's not that positive to begin with so it's even worse now.

We were informed today that the positions cut are now down to 11 teachers. At last nights school committee meeting, the city was able to "find" some money to reduce the number to 11 instead of 20. There are going to be over 100 total positions cut city wide (includes secretaries, aides, custodians, and teachers).

Those folks being cut will be called out of their classes on Friday to be told the icky news. They (the administration) expects us to work two more weeks (gotta give those midterm exams and complete grades before they shit can your ass) and it's done. No more teaching.

The word has spread to the kids. They are upset too. So now I'm dealing with their emotions as well as my own. Joy!

Those that remain behind are left to the horrible task of having increased class sizes (in most cases over the 30 mark which violates contract) and dealing with angry students and parents of why their child had to switch teachers and schedule changes mid-year. Double Joy!

Life just sometimes sucks! :-(

Please be thinking happy vibes for myself and my fellow colleagues this week. It's been a rough week and we are trying to hang in there but it's really tough.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Happy 2008!

I know I'm a little late posting my New Years wishes and resolutions. Life has been a tad bit crazy since I came back from Chicago on the 1st.

Happy 2008 to all my family and friends. Let's hope for a happy and healthy New Year. :-)

Resolutions for 2008:
*I really need to lose weight. I did well a few years ago and lost over 70 pounds but I hit a wall. Eating healthier is a goal for me to work on this year. I know that I will feel better about myself too.

*I started a savings account a few years ago but I haven't really been keeping up with it. I would like to work on building up my savings to at least three months worth of fiances in case of emergencies.

*Try and get another teaching job at a different school. I will be entering into my 10th year so I don't know if it's even a possibility due to all the budget cuts but I really need to look for another job. The system I work for is not a great school system and there are a lot of problems that the administration doesn't want to deal with so I need to get back into a healthier school system. I may even leave teaching all together. I don't know yet. I just need to be happier in my professional life again. I may not have to make a decision . . . in the next few days my school will be cutting 100 jobs in the school system due to a $1.8 million (plus) deficit. I'm at the bottom in my dept so my odds are really good of getting cut. The cuts will take place immediately. :-(

*I have to make a decision about my condo. I'm trying to refinance and get out of my 3 year ARM and I'm having a hard time getting someone to help me out. The decision will need to be made within the next two weeks so I can figure out if I need to sell my condo or not and go back to renting.

*Try online dating again. It would be so nice if I could meet a nice guy. It's so tough being single these days. If anyone knows of a nice guy that would be perfect M-Dawg, send them my way! :-)

I know this is an ambitious list. But I really don't know how else to make the necessary changes in my life. I'm hoping that by blogging about them that it might motivate me more to accomplish these goals. Any suggestions would be great! :-)

Again, Happy New Years and best wishes to a wonderful 2008!

What are your resolutions?