Tuesday, November 13, 2007

All sorts of stress going on in M-Dawg's world . . . .

I'm the first one to admit that I haven't been very happy at my school. However, for now, it does pay the bills and as long as I'm in the classroom with the kids, life would be a good thing.

Due to recent developments in my school system, the 2008 school budget is short $1.8 million (the odds are pretty good that the number will go up after a week of back tracking the books). Why? Because some idiot for the city (the Business Manager) was being "creative" with the books and moved money around and decided to pay last years bills with this years budget money. Oh, he longer works for the city - he left in September.

So, who will suffer????? There needs to be some drastic cuts within the next week and the decision has been made to start cutting "in areas that cost the city high amounts." Teacher salaries and benefits is a part of that high cost. So, the Superintendent will be making a decision of who will be cut ASAP.

Oh, guess who is low man in the seniority of her department and has a high chance of being laid off and cut?????????????


Anonymous said...

I hope not! I'm still thinking positives thoughts for you...I have faith :) Hang in there and I will say lots of prayers for you in the mean time!

Anonymous said...

OMG! Lori! How terrible ... especially during the holidays! I will just never understand how the great teachers get the shaft the worst! Can't they see how they will suffer without the great M-Dawg???!!!

Anonymous said...

Its one of those nasty situations... but just try and keep things in perspective... its not something any of us and control... let the powers that be do there thing and then you can figure out a plan of action...

If it works out that you aren't meant to teach there... maybe that wouldn't be so bad... no computers, no contract, no help from the SPED teacher, no prep period... there are lots of reasons that might not be the place for you anyway...

This might be the time for you to look for a new position. Keep your chin up, and call if you need ANYTHING...