Saturday, November 10, 2007

Long weekend for M-Dawg & Random Thoughts . . .

Gotta love long weekends.

On Friday, I had a professional day (which was a total waste of time). A professional day means no students at school with us. Sat in a ton of pointless meetings most of the day. The assistant superintendent of my district arranged for my department to go to a local middle school for a demonstration on Smart Boards. The interactive white boards are amazing but costly and my school doesn't have the money to spend on something so high tech. The best part of the day was going out to lunch with my department at Kelly's Roast Beef - a Boston area tradition! I've never eaten there so it was very yummy! :-)

I don't have a ton of plans for the long weekend. I do have a ton of correcting to complete since grades are due for 1st quarter on Thursday.

Oh, there was an article in the local paper about our school system. You can read it here. It doesn't look too good for my job. Since I'm the low man in the department, I have a good chance of being cut. Not a good thing for M-Dawg since I'll be in my tenth year of teaching. No school would hire me since I'm soooo expensive! So, on top of everything else going on at school (no contract, working illegal hours - a grievance is being filed by the way, no support in SPED, etc.), we've got this horrible economic situation going on too.

Be thinking happy vibes for the next few months for M-Dawg . . . . who knows how this situation will play out! :-(


Anonymous said...

oh geez Lori! You need some good news in your life right now..and this isn't helping much! I hope you don't lose another job...I need to do much needed praying for my M-dawg.

Anonymous said...

oh no - so sorry mdawg. hopefully things will work out for the best for you. thinking happy thoughts for you & wishing/praying for you to have a lot of luck. you soo deserve the best you know.

this doesnt help with your mood either... try to stay upbeat & positive ok?

im here if you need me!