Monday, May 29, 2006

Back to school after a long weekend

Back to school tomorrow. It's been a long, relaxing weekend. I had to work at the doggie place on Sunday - there was a huge festival going on in the downtown area and the store was packed!

Rest of the weekend was spent relaxing and doing laundry.

It's so sad but I actually dread going into school now. See what getting burned does to you? I used to love my job and the kids. Now, I just don't want to go into school or be bothered. We don't get out until June 26th now due to the flooding and rain we had a few weeks ago.

I'm still trying to hold the students accountable and try and teach them the curriculum that needs to be taught by the end of the school year. I start World War I this week and it's my favorite unit to teach. Hopefully, I will get some joy out of teaching this unit. It's so hard to stay focused!

I'm hoping that by having the summer off and relaxing that I will get that love of teaching back.

I'll be using one sick day this week because I have two job interviews on Wednesday. I still haven't heard from all the other interviews from the past few weeks. Supposedly, this week I hear from all of them on if I have a job offer.

My goal is to have a job by the time I get out of school at the end of June. We shall see. . . . . .


Anonymous said...

Waiting is one of the worst things... but yikes... for all the interviews I am sure to bet you will have at least a few to choose from... Take care of you... and you will get the FUN back soon...

Anonymous said...

dont worry, you will have the love of teaching back. you're just hurt & aggravated and its only normal that you would lose your mojo .. but you'll get it back.

good luck on your interviews on wednesday kiddo! keep us posted :)

Anonymous said...

I agree waiting is the worst! Good luck on your interviews today! Keep us posted :)

Lea said...

Lori, I am thinking of you and hoping you will find another teaching job soon. I hope it's somewhere close where you can still keep your condo! Whatever school chooses to hire you I think they will be very pleased with your teaching skills. Good luck, Lea

Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.