Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Job Interview Today

Had a job interview at The Bromfield School in Harvard, MA today. I think it went well. Sometimes, I think the interview goes well and they want to hire me and it doesn't work out. I hate getting my hopes up high and then to have them tumbled down. I'm sick of my emotions being all over the place -

This has been an emotional roller coaster ride for me the past month and a half - and who do I have to thank for it? My Principal for not renewing my contract? Or myself? Because I obviously did something to upset or piss him off so he won't renew my contract! As you can see, I'm still angry!

Everyone keeps telling me that things happen for a reason - I KNOW! I just wish that I would stop getting screwed all the time. If one more person tells me this, I will scream!

I think I need to look into selling the condo - things are not looking good for the job situation and I need to be prepared to move on. I know that I will end up losing money on the condo -

One good thing about this: I've lost a shit load of weight from the stress! And, I continue to lose more weight as the pressure of not having a job next school year -

I've learned a lot the past month and a half:
*Don't trust your administrators!
*Don't trust anyone!
*Don't get too attached to a job that you love!
*Don't emotionally invest yourself into your school until after three years!
*I have some great colleagues in the English/History depts that have been so supportive to me throughout this whole mess!
*My parents have been amazingly supportive to me too!
*My freshman are annoying the hell out of me! :-)
*And finally - to not let my job revolve or control my life and to not take it so seriously!


Anonymous said...

lori loo - really hoping everything works out for the best for you. make sure you are still taking care of yourself girlie too - stress or no stress, my loo better be treating herself in a good positive, healthy way.

hopefully something will turn up that will be wonderful & you can still keep your condo. you've worked too hard for it.. it would be a shame if you had to sell it & not even make out in the deal.

keeping everything crossed for you sweetie! you deserve great things.

if one more shitty thing happens to you though, im draggin ya into church & having ya blessed!

Anonymous said...

I don't like you losing weight this way :(...Becareful okay?

I know something will come thru...i just know it. Who wouldn't hire you?

Alyssa said...

Hey Ms. M. Don't worry. Everything will turn out great because you are a great person and a great teacher. You were one of the most inspiring teachers and advisors that I had. You will land a great job. Just keep you head up high. Good things happen to good people. Good luck on job hunting. Just stay in the area so that Katie, Nicole, and I can visit you at your new school (maybe we will bring cheesecake again)!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a bunch of good stuff you learned... some of it I learned a long time ago, I guess thats why I don't take "bosses thoughts" too seriously... Some people you can just NOT make happy... We have to TRY and not let them get to us so much...

Keep plugging away... This might sound terrible... but if you have to sell, then at least you are being smart about it and not waiting and pretending that all things are perfect...

Just really be thankful for the things you do have, and for the bad things that HAVEN'T happened to you... There are so many bad things in the world.

Sickness (AIDS...), natural disasters (Hurricanes...), death (Loss of parents or children, etc.)