Tuesday, April 29, 2008

36 more teaching days . . . . maybe NOT!

Does the title of this post state it all? How much do I want the school year to be over? Let me count the ways!

I know it's not a good thing to wish your life away but in this case . . . . 36 days left of the school year baby!

Out of those 36 days, technically, there are 24 actual teaching days left. Why? MCAS (state testing), final exam week, Diversity Day, and I'm out of school tomorrow for a Professional Day.

And, my school is on block scheduling so to make this post even MORE fun I technically only have 12 teaching days with my classes. I see my students every other day. 12 days with my freshman World History kids to teach the following: Industrial Revolution, Imperialism, Nationalism, Unification of Germany and Italy, WW I, and WW II and the Holocaust.

OK, now I'm really stressed!

Blah! :-(

Saturday, April 26, 2008

April Break - Part III

What can I say? I live such an exciting life!

The hair-do on Thursday turned out nice. It's much lighter and a tad bit shorter too.

Hanging out at Barnes & Noble is my fav place in the world. Was productive! I was able to grade three classes of work! After all the grading I did at the end of 3rd quarter, I sorta went on strike and didn't want to grade for a while. Unfortunately, that meant that I had a ton of correcting to do!

I didn't end up making it to the beach. It was such a beautiful day and I spent it inside a bookstore. Oh well.

Worked at Paws on Friday. This economy is still not picking up so I wasn't that busy in the store. I hope it picks up soon.

I'm watching my neighbor's dog, Otto in the evenings for the next week. I have to feed him and walk him. Last night, I took him to Newburyport for an hour walk. Otto is a Schnauzer and such a cutie pie! He's my little buddy! I'll try and remember to take some pics of Otto.

The rest of the weekend plans: working at Paws on Saturday and Sunday. Hanging out w/ Otto in the evenings. Attending a poetry reading on Sunday afternoon here.

Back to school on Monday! Blah! When I get back, I'll have to unpack a few of my boxes and set up my classroom. Thank goodness I have the first two blocks off on Monday! :-)

Enjoy your weekend!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Happy Anniversary to Cheryl and Brian - a day late!

Happy Anniversary to Cheryl and Brian!

A belated post but I was thinking of you guys yesterday!!!

Hope you were able to have some alone time together and Brian took ya out for dinner!!!

Lots of hugs and love!!!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

April break - Part II

On Wednesday, I was invited to one of my former colleagues home for lunch up in NH. It was a lovely weather day! Sunny. Bright. And, the company was nice too! :-)

Rest of the day: I cleaned my car. Paid the bills. Cleaned the condo. Productive yet busy.

Today, I have a hair appointment to get my hair highlighted and cut here. Oh, the eyebrows need a touch up too. The gal that does my hair always does such a nice job. Why can't I do my hair the same way????

After the hair, I'm planning on heading to Barnes & Noble and do some correcting for a few hours. Need to correct those French Revolution tests!

Tonight, I might try a drive out to the beach and take a walk. It's been forever since I've been to the beach. I only live 15 minutes away from the ocean!

The weather this week in New England has been amazing! Couldn't ask for a better weather week off from school.

Enjoy your day -

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

April vacation week - part I

On Monday, I drove out to Northampton, MA (western MA) to meet some gals for Delta Kappa Gamma stuff. It was a two hour and 13 minute drive one way. The drive was long but incredibly scenic! I drove through the Berkshire Mountains and saw the Green Mountains of Vermont.

I got involved at the state level of DKG. I'm on the research committee and we had members fill out surveys. The committee met yesterday to go over the results. I have to put together a PowerPoint to present at the State Convention the weekend of May 2nd of our findings.

It was a very long drive and long day but productive. :-)

Today, I brought my car into Saturn to have it worked on (takes 8 hours). The head gasket has been leaking and I've been putting it off to get it fixed. I have a rental car - a PT Cruiser! I like it. Drives different than my Saturn. Not great on gas though . . . .

Well, I'm off to run some errands for the day (hence the rental car).

Enjoy your day!!! :-)

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Four words!

I am on vacation!

Enough said!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Update on life

Just wanted to do an update on what is going on in M-Dawg's world (warning - VERY negative post!):

*I didn't get the teaching position at my first school. I received the phone call last night. The assistant principal (I'm friends with him) wanted to tell me over the phone instead of waiting for the letter. I'm upset and disappointed. For five years, all I've heard from administrators and other teachers was how they wanted me to come back. Nice.

*Survived the Sophomore Social (dance) for my class. My co-advisor and I have decided that we will resign at the end of the school year from being their class advisor. The officers do absolutely nothing and we are not paid enough to deal with the stress and bullshit.

*My classroom is currently in a modular trailer. I've been in the trailer for 1 1/2 year. The entire freshman house is moving out the trailers over April break. I filled out my request form over a month ago for boxes and moving supplies. When do I get my supplies and boxes: a week ago! I have a ton of shit to pack. Luckily, I have student leaders and a colleague of mine helped me pack most of it. It will be nice to be back in the main building again. Strange. They are moving us to a temporary classroom until June. Then they will move us to our permanent home which will be up on the third floor. I won't be unpacking anything except for two boxes of stuff I need to get me through the rest of the school year.

*My shoulder is still painful. I have an appt next week with an orthopedic surgeon.

*Good news: I'm on April break starting on Monday. A whole week off from school. I do have a busy week filled with appointments and working at Paws.

*I really need a break from school. I'm in such a bad mind set right now. Very negative and burnt out. Exhausted from working all the time and getting no financial rewards. And very poor! :-(

*And the best part of my life right now: my first mortgage is going up $250 a month. Got the letter last week notifying me of the increase. They won't even talk to me since I'm still paying my mortgage on time. Nice! I have two mortgages and the second one will go up too. I can't refinance since I owe more on my condo than it's worth right now. So, I'm screwed. Gotta love life. When you are down, you are DOWN! I am looking for a roommate to help defer the costs. If you know of anyone, let me know. I'm also posting an ad on Craig's List.

This is my life. Shitty right now. I think I need to go back into counseling again. I'm really having a hard time dealing with stuff. My personal life sucks. My professional life sucks. Trying to focus on what is good in my life and I just can't seem to do it.

End of vent/bitch/losing mind session. :-(

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Happy b-day shout out to Brian!

Look at the happy family! :-)

Happy birthday Brian!

Hope Cheryl and the boys take ya out for a nice steak dinner and wait on ya head and foot.

Lots of hugs! :-)

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Joseph Murphy is here!!!!!

Joseph Murphy - born March 31, 2008.
Congrats to the Eltrevoog-Milota family!!! Baby and family are all doing well.
Isn't he a cutie pie????? :-)

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Is it OK to have nap time in High School????

I'm so exhausted that I can't even think straight right now.

Things at school are very busy. No time for anything.

Just a few updates and shout outs:
*Congrats to my friend Traci and her husband Mark: they had a baby boy, Joseph Murphy a few days ago. I'm so happy for you both. Big bro Jeffrey is doing well too. :-)

*Got a phone call for a second job interview for next week. We shall see. . . . . .

*Book Club on Thursday evening. We read this book. I enjoyed it. Highly recommend it!

*Junior Prom at my high school last Friday night: 20 kids in a limo were drinking and got caught. A ton of other kids at the Prom were drunk too. The administration isn't doing much about it. Joy.

*I have the Sophomore Social dance next Friday. The rumor mill with the kids is that a group of kids will shop at the Social drunk. Double joy!

*I need to keep reminding myself that I'm splitting a $650 stipend to be a class advisor and all this added stress is SO not worth it. Triple Joy!

*Had an MRI on Tuesday night. I was scared shitless! :-)

*I'm working all this weekend, I have 23 Honors 5-page research papers to grade, 60 projects on Storming of the Bastille, and grades are due on Wednesday of next week. Can M-Dawg do it?

*I'm being formally evaluated next Thursday. Ugh.

*Have a retirement party for a former colleague at my first school next Thursday night. Oh, I'm interviewing for his job. How weird will that be?????????

*I haven't had a day off from school or the doggie store since Easter (March 23rd). I don't have a day off until April 12th.

OK, maybe this turned into more of a bitch fest. Sorry. This is what happens when you are tired. Oh, I had the 8th grade Open House tonight at my school and didn't get home until after 9:00 pm. I've been at school since 6:45 am. Long freaking day!

Tomorrow, instead of teaching, can I have nap time in all of my classes????????????????