Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Hump Day!

I'm already exhausted and it's only Wednesday!

Have a faculty meeting today after school. I'm going to try to leave school after that meeting - I've been staying late at school again and I promised myself I would start leaving at a decent time.

Also, been trying to get to bed earlier since I get up at 5:00 AM! Yes, I get up THAT early for school!

My body is on a completely different time zone.

I hope to get back into the swing of things soon -

How many of you have a hard time getting up in the morning?????


Anonymous said...

You definitely need to be getting home early when you have to wake up at 5... YIKES... The cooler the weather the harder it is to get going... Its like on the cool or rainy days its so easy to just cuddle up in the covers and forget everything else...

Anonymous said...

yes make sure you get home by decent hour... its too early in the school year to get off track right now. you are up too early to be getting home so late. that wont leave much time for mdawg missy.

i hate the mornings - sometimes im a morning person, sometimes not...lately not at all! :(

Lauren & Rich said...

It's so dark out when I leave the house. I can't wait untill the clocks turn back but really what's the difference we will be going home when it's dark too! I think the darkness/rain/ and our long commutes make us tired all the time.