Sunday, September 16, 2007

Beautiful and relaxing day

The scoop on what I did today:

Enjoyed a relaxing day with my friend Aileen. We got up a tad bit early to eat some breakfast at the Hallow Cafe in Amesbury. Very yummy food by the way. We then ventured off to Todd Farm and Flea Market. Aileen was on a mission to find a bureau for her clothes. The poor gal has all her clothes in boxes or in baskets on the floor of her loft condo. I saw a lot of cool furniture. I wish I had the space (and the money) to buy some of it. Flea markets are sorta interesting because it's a hit or miss on items. I guess it depends if you are looking for something specific. I just went for the ride and the company.

Her first purchase was this fabulous metal table from the 1950's. The table reminded me of the table my Auntie had in HER kitchen way back in the day! It was refinished and looked amazing! It will look great in her kitchen. Her second purchase was the bureau. She only had $113 and they wanted $120 but she talked them down. The bureau looks great! We loaded both items into her car and drove back to her place to unload them.

We were going to go to Plum Island but I had a ton of stuff to do so Aileen dropped me off at my place.

I ran to Market Basket for some food for the week. I'm trying to be better about making my lunch instead of buying my lunch. I also eat out a lot so I'm trying to cut back on that too.

I just finished two loads of laundry and I'm doing school work. Well, technically, I'm blogging right now but ya get the idea! :-)

The day was beautiful here today. Perfect Fall weather! It's hard to believe that Fall is almost here. Fall is my favorite time of the year.

How was your weekend??????


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a good day... You need more of those... Take care & Try and let go on the weekends... Don't let all the gunk at school take over that time...

Anonymous said...

Oh how fun!!! Glad you had a nice day :)

My weekend was good, busy but good :)