Saturday, August 30, 2008

I've been tagged! :-)

I've been tagged by this silly girl. . . I am supposed to write 6 quirky things about me. Here we go!

1) I have major OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). I'm a major neat freak and can't go to bed at night unless everything is where is needs to go and/completed (Ex: dishes done, lay out my clothes for the next day, make lunch for school night before, etc.). I can't leave at the end of the day at school unless my classroom is neat and organized for the next day too. Yes, I have issues! :-)

2) I hate it when drivers don't use their turn signals (Ex: switching lanes, exit ramps, right or left turns, etc). Drives me absolutely batty!!!!! I notice it more now that I'm commuting on the highway. Oh, the other thing is slow drivers in the fast lane. Another pet peeve of mine!

3) I listen to my Itouch at night in bed - it helps to relax me and helps me go to sleep.

4) Hate it when my students use inappropriate words in school (the "N" word, Jew, swearing, etc). Bugs me!

5) Since I adopted Ellie the Cat in 2001, I have this thing about buying collars for her that match the time of the year. For example, for the summer, she wore a watermelon collar. I already bought her a Halloween and Christmas collar. She is one stylin' kitty! :-)

6) I'm a huge movie fan so I'm always matching movies - I subscribe to Netflix. Huge fan of documentaries and foreign films. My dirty little secret: cheesy old TV series! Here is a list: Beverly Hills 90210, Melrose Place, Dallas, Love Boat, etc. You get the idea. Again, I have issues. My Queue in Netflix has a pretty wacky selection of films. I currently have 211 movies in my Queue.

I tag anyone that would like to comment. :-)


Anonymous said...

Oh, my. When I read the first two quirky things, I thought I was reading a meme by my husband. The rest of it sounds like me. I love listening to my iPod at night. There is nothing more relaxing.

CaliforniaTeacherGuy said...

I agree wholeheartedly with #2--and California drivers are the worst!

EHT said...

I have to have the tv on when I go to sleep. It drives Dear Hubby batty when he wakes up in the middle of the night to turn it off. He sets the timer, but if I'm still up I simply flip the set back on.