Monday, June 05, 2006

Off to another interview . . . . . . .

This afternoon, I have a second interview at Medfield High School in Medfield, MA. They have a team teaching interdisciplinary class that they would like me to observe before meeting with the Principal. I have three years experience with team teaching at Timberlane. I really miss it because it's great to make those connections in history and literature. The student population is around 850 - small.

Tomorrow morning, I have a second interview at Hull High School in Hull, MA. I have to teach a 45 minute lesson. If all goes well, they will offer me the position. I'm teaching a lesson in US History on the Cold War. The location of this school is absolutely amazing! Hull is located on a peninsula that stinks right out into Boston Harbor. The high school is literally right at the tip of the peninsula. So, one side of the building, your view is the Atlantic Ocean and the other side is the Boston skyline and Boston harbor. Absolutely gorgeous! I'm going to try and remember to bring my camera this time to take photos! The student population is 400 students.

I'm still waiting to hear from Londonderry HS, Ayer HS, and the Bromfield School. Dartmouth called me on Friday and said they offered the position to another candidate.

That's the scoop -


Anonymous said...

I hope you hear back from those other schools soon... isn't it the worst when you don't know anything?

Anonymous said...

Good Luck M-Dawg on your interviews...Keep us Posted!

Anonymous said...

lots of luck coming your way loo!
good luck with everything :)

Anonymous said...

Lots of interest is a good thing, Lori. The perfect job for you is getting closer! Which one of all of these are you really hoping to get?

Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.