Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Correcting final exams!

Can't really say too much in this post -

Just want to let everyone know that I'm alive and kicking -

And, I'm in correcting hell!

What the %&#$ was I thinking of making up a 25 page final exam in World History? Plus, an essay!



Anonymous said...

So glad to hear from you... thats just you... even when no one else would put in all the effort... you do... I'm sure the kids don't appreciate the test, but I'm sure they appreciate you being such a great, fun and easy to learn from TEACHER!

Stand tall and proud!

Robyn J said...

Ah, I can honestly say that I do not miss the end of the year wrapping up of grading, packing, etc.

You should be very proud of what you have accomplished during your time in Newburyport. Get excited for next year...you'll be in a great school with all sorts of possibilities - I know it.

Anonymous said...

love the cartoon loo - its cute!

yup - what the heck were you thinking?? oh well.. its almost over & then hopefully you can take some breathing time for yourself.

cant wait to see you girlies on friday!

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of you :) Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night :)

Alex said...

Scary...I'm taking World History next year!!