Monday, April 24, 2006

Formal Evaluation?

Get this. . .

As you ALL know, I've been formally let go by my high school at the end of the school year. Yes, I have to act like nothing is wrong until June 23rd.

I go to my mailbox at the end of the day today and what do I find? A formal evaluation form to fill out. With it - attached a note from the Principal stated that "under the circumstances" I can forego the formal evaluation to be completed by him. HELL NO! I want him to come into my classroom! I showed Peter, my dept chair the note and Peter's response, "What do you have to lose?"

I just can't get over the fact that my Principal has never come into my classroom formally to observe me and made the decision to not renew my contract.

I don't claim to be the best teacher in the world - I'm a good teacher who is always looking for improvements and honest critique.

I've decided to have my principal do the formal evaluation. I have a few concerns regarding his professionalism and the evaluation.

I have a pre-conference meeting on Friday at 8:00 am and the formal observation takes place on Monday, 9:00-10:30 am. Should be interesting to see how this all plays out . . . . . . .


Anonymous said...

You go girl! Give 'em everything you've got & show him what a great teacher he's gonna miss next year!
Don't forget to let us know how it goes!

Anonymous said...

Show him that M-Dawg style! That effer...he'll be sorry to let such a wonderful teacher go!

Anonymous said...

good for you! why should he get off easy? rub it in how great of a teacher you are, & what a big mistake he's making here.

you go get'em mdaaawg! :)

Anonymous said...

ABSOLUTELY make him sit there and watch you work with those kids and how they respond to you...

He wasn't trying to offer you a "pass" to make it easier for you, he did it to make it easier on HIMSELF. No chance buddy!

Give him H..E..double HOCKEY STICKS!!!


Robyn J said...

You've got balls, girl! Way to make him sweat. It was a very good decision on your part to get the formal eval - just goes to show how you value your position and are always looking for constructive matter what the circumstances. I'll be thinking of you - make sure to post the outcome.