Friday, April 21, 2006

The End of April Vacation

Well, it's been an interesting week here at the homestead.

Lea and Joann left on Tuesday. We had such a nice visit. I took them into Boston on Friday, Newburyport on Saturday, Salem and Kittery Outlets on Monday, and the beach on Tuesday before they left for IL. On Wednesday, I had a dentist appt - fillings for cavities. I've been good for so long with my teeth and all of sudden - WHAM! On Thursday, I got new tires for the car ($320.00). Ughy lots of money! Worked in the afternoon at my doggie place. Had Book Club that evening. Today, I had to have a plumber come and unplug my tub - it wouldn't drain. I tried everything - Liquid Plumber, this real industrial stuff from Home Depot, nothing worked! Final Cost - $250! Ughy! The joys of owning your own property.

Not much to report on the job search. I'm really stressing about it. There isn't a lot out there. Plus, schools are cutting back their budgets so I'm almost too expensive to hire. I'm fine financially until the end of August. After that, I'm totally screwed!

Please be thinking lots of happy and positive thoughts for me!

And, if you see a position for a high school history or social studies teacher, let me know!


Anonymous said...

I know how you feel... it seems like everytime you turn around there's another expense hitting your wallet. Wait until you have children, then triple that feeling! Ahhh...the pure joys of being a 'grown-up'!
Of course, all of us here are thinking lots of happy thoughts for you! We are praying that you find a good job quickly and are happy with the transition!
I'm so glad that you guys had such a wonderful visit! I hope that it boosted your spirits as well!
Keep you chin up, Lori! You will get all the wonderful things you deserve in life - you really will! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Ms. M,
Thank you so much for your kind email in response to my last comment!! You are wonderful and I am hoping that you find a nice job where you are happy! Just to let you know the other day I saw a few AD's for a Social Studies teachers at Salem, NH High, School Pelham, NH High School and one for the Sanborn District ! Another one I saw might be a little bit of a hike for you but it was Dover, NH High School! Hope that maybe one of these places might work for you! Take Care!

Anonymous said...

This is why I'm in no rush to buy anything. I think I'm a bit scared to be honest with ya.

I hope you find something soon. I'll keep happy thoughts and say prayers for ya. I'm still feeling optomistic that you will find something. Hang In there :).

Anonymous said...

yup being a responsible adult sucks doesnt it? wouldnt it be nice to not have to worry about such things?

good luck on the job search loo. keeping my fingers crossed for you that something wonderful will come your way! love you!