Saturday, December 15, 2007

Alive and kicking . . . barely!

I'm here. Overworked. Underpaid. Exhausted.

No news yet. Rumor mill states next week will be notification of cut teacher positions due to the budget. Merry freakin' Christmas to you too! :-(

Oh, the $1.8 million deficit is now $3.0 million. Joy.

I do know for a fact that personnel is going through every one's file to make sure they have their P's and Q's tied nicely in a red bow.

Taking Monday off as a personal day. A mental health day is needed for M-Dawg. The only planned activity: taking Ellie the Cat to the vet for her yearly shots.

Working all weekend at Paws. Seeing the doggies and puppies always cheers me up.

Enjoy your weekend peeps! :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why can't they at least wait until after the holidays are over :( Still keeping positive thoughts for ya and everything crossed I possibly can.

Glad you are taking a personal day off. Curl up with some girlie movies and do nothing all day!