Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pressure (to quote David Bowie and Queen)!

The pressure is on . . . . . . .

8-10 page thematic essay and 3-5 day lesson plan due on Sunday!



(I know you have that song in your head now! Hah!) :-)

Friday, July 25, 2008

How do you like yourself?

I promised myself that I would work on ME this summer. Getting myself into a better frame of mind: physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Here is the update.

The mental part has been difficult. It's been really hard to think positively about myself when I don't like myself. So I've been trying to work on liking myself (not that I ever did like myself). When I was younger, I used to "fake" being happy since that is what everyone in my life seemed to expect of me. I realize that people can't be happy 24/7 but I can be happy some of the time. I've felt like a hypocrite since I'm always telling my students to like and love themselves and accept themselves for who they are or are becoming in this world. How can I tell my students to like themselves when I don't even like me for me? There are a lot of reasons why I've felt like I was never good enough. Some of it stems from child hood crap which I don't want to get into on this blog. I've been doing a lot of soul searching and realized that there are some people in my life that bring me down as a person. I'm working on removing this folks out of my life. I also work in two jobs that don't appreciate me (being a teacher speaks for itself and the other job is a long story). Regarding the teaching aspect, I'm working on trying to be positive in a very negative environment. If it means that I have to isolate myself and not be around the negative people, that is what I will have to do. The best feeling I have in the world is being in the classroom with my students and teaching them World History. The other job scenario: I can no longer be trusted (according to the owner) due to an incident and she believes what she wants of me no matter what I say to her. I can't work for someone that doesn't trust me. So, I will be doing some soul searching (and looking for another job) to better that situation. I've worked there for almost four years and all that retail experience is down the drain (I don't think I could even use the owner as a reference since I can't trust her to say anything nice about me). Nothing I do (or anyone else that works in the store) is good enough and it gets old after a while. I've also become very resentful that I have to work a second job after teaching for ten years. I'm sick of always working and never getting ahead. I adore the dogs. They are the best part of the job. But I've felt like I've been in an emotional abused relationship the past few years working there. I completely acknowledge that I'm not always the easiest person to be around at times but either is the owner (we are both VERY MUCH alike when it comes to be moody which is why we clash - I see that - she does not). So I'm going back to being "fake happy" to please her and that is not the way I want to live my life. The soul searching continues . . . . . . . . . .

The physical part has been a struggle. My shoulder still bothers but I'm putting off getting the surgery. I'm hoping that if I lose some weight, it might help the pain in my shoulder. I'm eating better now and exercising. I figure that if I look better and healthier, maybe I will like myself too. Food has always been an addiction of mine and I'm an emotional eater. Hence, the weight issues. Since I start coaching volleyball the end of August, I figured that I better get back into shape again. Gotta be a positive role model to the girls on the team! :-)

The spiritual part is also a struggle for me. I've been trying mediation to help relax me. Formal/organized religion doesn't seem to work (I was brought up Catholic and I don't believe in what the church stands for anymore). I feel like I need some type of spirituality in my life to grow as a person.

It's been a struggle but I'm working on it . . . . one day at a time. I don't expect miracles. But being truly happy and content with my life would be a wonderful way to start out the school year.

Thank you to all my supportive friends and Blog buddies - you all rock! :-)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

How did you spend your day off? Touching REALLY old letters!


Yesterday, I spent the day reading through old documents at a historical society. By old I mean like around 1775! I read letters from a soldier to his wife during the American Revolution! How cool is that????? I even got to wear the white "Mickey Mouse" gloves to read through all the letters . . . . in case you are not aware of it - our hands (skin) have oils on them that can destroy the letters so you have to wear the protective gloves to preserve the letters. The handwriting was difficult to read since the ink had faded over the years and the spelling was quite "unique" - for example, they spelled "which" this way: WITCH. Reminded me of my students and their spelling habits. :-)

I then went to a public library to research old newspaper articles from the time period as well. Everything is on microfilm and I could make copies of the articles.

So far, I've come up with some good material and primary source information for my lesson plan for the Using Essex History class. And, I'm pumped about using the materials in my local History class that I teach at my school.

That due date is coming quick! :-)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Finished up the Using Essex History class and now it's time to write a thematic essay and lesson plan!

The Using Essex History class that I took last week was great! I really enjoyed the various topics each day:
*Day 1 - American Revolution (The National Heritage Museum - Lexington)
*Day 2 - Civil War (Marblehead Historical Museum - Marblehead)
*Day 3 - Westward Expansion (St. Joseph's Hall - Salem)
*Day 4 - Civil Rights Movement (National Archives - Waltham)
*Day 5 - Nathaniel Hawthorne (The House of Seven Gables - Salem)

Each day was filled with lectures from professors on each topic, a field trip of the facility we were hanging out in, and time to look at primary sources and analyze them and brainstorm teaching ideas in groups with other teachers (there were 30 teachers that were chosen from Essex County). Our day started at 9:00 am and lasted until 4:00 pm. A long day but sooooo productive! My brain hurt at the end of the day! :-)

So, now the fun part begins! Prior to the class, I had to read four books and a packet of readings designed for each of the five days. We had to turn in one book review and three book note papers during the week. Due on August 3rd, I have to write a 8-10 page thematic essay and a 3-4 day lesson plan.

Between now and the due date - I have two days off from work and one of which I'm spending at the Beverly Historical Society to research letters from the American Revolution.

The bonus: I get 3 graduate credits (since it is a grant, I don't have to pay for the credits) and a $1,000 stipend. Yahoo! :-)

And, the race begins! I'll keep you posted. :-)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Bonding meeting was a success! :-)

Last night, the Freshman House had a bonding meeting at a local restaurant to discuss the past school year and goals for next school year.

I have to say that almost every single teacher in the Freshman House came to the meeting. The fact that we attended this meeting during our time off is a huge deal.

Our house master (aka Asst. Principal) had some positive data to share with us. Our failure rate went down by 16% this year! Every single year the Freshman House has been in existence at my school, we have seen improvement. Some of the biggest goals of the House is to help with the transition from Middle to High School and the expectations of being in High School AND to decrease the drop out rate at my school. There has been a slight decrease but not as much as we would like to see. I guess we need to be patient and see what will happen . . . after sophomore year is when we see the drop out rate increase (in most classes).

One of the goals for next school year we discussed was to create a more community feel in the Freshman House. We also scheduled two more bonding meetings this summer for the teachers.

Oh, I'm on a new team and I LOVE IT! The English and Math teacher are great friends of mine (the Math teacher and I are co-advisers for the Class of 2010 so we are already used to working with each and get along great). We do have a new Science teacher - she's fresh out of college so she will probably need some support. She seems nice and willing to work as a team. Compared to this past school year, I'm looking forward to moving on and working with a group of people that are in this for the kids and the school community. :-)

And, the SPED teacher that I worked with for the past two years is no longer in the Freshman House. He's still working with the Social Studies teachers but from what I understand the administrators are working very hard to not schedule him with me. Yeah!!!! :-)

Monday, July 07, 2008

Working with the dogs . . . . .

I'm here. Alive and kicking. Barely. :-)

Been working a ton of hours at the doggie store. Compared to last summer, the store hasn't been that busy. I'm sure the high gas prices is keeping a lot of people away from traveling and spending money. It is great to see all the dogs. They rock my world! :-)

I've been getting over food poisoning so I haven't been myself for a week. I'm feeling much better but my body doesn't want to be 100% yet.

I've also been doing a lot of the reading for my class that begins next week. I have a lot of work to do before next Monday - four books need to be read, one book review paper, and three note summaries need to be written. Unfortunately, the readings are boring so it's difficult to get through them at a fast pace. I don't mind reading historical books as long as they are interesting and to the point.

It's been hot and humid here in New England. I don't do well with humidity . . . I finally had to turn my A/C on today. I've been lucky most of the summer . . . . my condo is located on the first floor so it remains relatively cool during the day. However, today it got a little too warm for me so I turned on A/C.

Ellie the Cat has the right idea . . . . just hang out on the futon! :-)