Saturday, February 14, 2009

Is 38 old?


The word got around school that Feb 14th was my birthday. Joy.

So, my students were in class on Friday trying to guess how old I was.

They came up with unique answers. One student said I was 45 (he's failing the class - Ha!). One kid said I was 25! I told him he is getting an A for the class! (JK of course!) :=)

When I finally told them my age (38) they said I was really old but I don't look old.

I told them there are days when I feel old. Some days, I feel my age. I told them for the most part they keep me looking young.

Today, I went out to lunch with one of my friends. The plan is to just relax - no school work. I have some movies I checked out of the library this afternoon to watch this evening. Catching up reading blogs. Enjoying reading all the posts on my Facebook. Oh, and ignoring the fact that it is Valentine's Day.

I'm off this next week for Feb break so I may be posting more frequently.


Anonymous said...

Well considering it's a bunch of teenagers that said it's them it is but I don't think we are old at all.

I'm a hopeless romantic...but I think Valentine's day is over rated.

Sounds like you had a nice Birthday :)

Anonymous said...

38 is NOT old! of course, my 14 year seems to think that I'm ancient! Hope your birthday was great!

Teacha said...

38 is not old, but this comes from a 31 year old.